If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services.



If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services.


Our transformational coaching curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed. We’ll help you confront challenges head-on and develop a plan of action to overcome what has hindered you in the past.

Our Coaching Clients Receive:

  • Personalized coaching curriculum designed specifically for your goals
  • Weekly/ Monthly coaching sessions
  • Specific action-oriented assignments
  • Direct email access to your coach
  • Confidential advice and accountability
  • And much, much more!

What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana, C.S. Lewis and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches. Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results!

Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services. To learn more about how you or your team can benefit from our customized coaching solutions click here.

Crisis Recovery

Crises affect people on many different levels- physically, mentally, emotional and spiritually. Well-meaning friends may say, “Pull yourself together,” but how can you do that when you feel shattered and spent by what you’ve been through? 

Dr. Deborah helps people cope with the aftershock of crisis and demoralizing trauma. We know it isn’t easy, but there is hope. 

In this encouraging program you will discover common keys that help everyone, regardless of their age or situation. 

  • The 4 Stages of Recovery and How Resilience Affects Each Stage 
  • How to Mitigate Trauma-Related Stress and Emotional Suffering 
  • How to “Regain Equilibrium" and Recover Following a Crisis 
  • How to Eliminate Negative Self-Talk
  • Restoring Calm After Catastrophe: 3 Critical Steps

Maria G.

"I have a successful business, and everyone thinks I have it all together. I was divorced twice. I felt fearful to trust anyone. Dr. Deb helped me regain my confidence in myself and move forward. I now feel able to trust and trust myself to make good decisions."

Kimberly S.

"The best decision I have ever made! I am a counselor. I felt like I needed more guidance than my students! My mother is bipolar, I felt like no matter what I did, it was not good enough. Dr. Deb gave me a 3-step strategy plan to relieve me from that constant critical voice in my head. I have never been happier."


"When I met Dr. Deb, my mind felt chaotic. I was broken. I am a female in Ministry and after my divorce, I even questioned should I be in ministry? I found Dr. Deb understood me. I had a safe place to discuss my fears. She gave me an action plan that has restored my peace and confidence."

Amber G.

"Dr. Deb has helped me so much. I signed up and was apprehensive. I had tried twice with therapy for my anxiety and panic attacks. I was extremely angry. She helped me to see that my anger was a trauma response. She gave me a plan to identify what I needed to do. Once I started working the plan, the plan worked!"

Download Your Gift Now!

From Surviving to Thriving by Dr. Deborah Gold

This eBook is one of Dr. Deborah Gold's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:

  • How to overcome and make sense of your traumatic experiences.
  • How to implement a plan to get unstuck.
  • How to find out who God created you to be.
  • How to resolve the chaos in your mind.
  • How to find out how to make pain your platform.